
Stari Grad
Photo: Vedran Rafael Janic
Stari Grad is the oldest town in Croatia. In 2016 the town celebrated its 2400th birthday. It is situated in the centre of the island of Hvar at the end of a very long inlet.
The town is surrounded by numerous pine trees. On hot summer days, Stari Grad is one of those rare Dalmatian towns where the air is rather refreshing due to the cool afternoon “Maestral“ wind.

The fields
Photo: Vedran Rafael Janic
Leaving the town and following the little stream, which is a continuation of the inlet, there are fertile fields which are part of the ancient HORA . The fields have been home to many vineyards and olive groves since the times of the ancient Greeks. It is an ideal place for people who enjoy the natural beauty, solitude, and fresh air. There are numerous bike routes between ancient walls, through the fields, leading to villages and ancient monuments.

Cultural sights
Photo: Vedran Rafael Janic
There are many cultural landmarks in Stari Grad. The most impressive is the“Tvrdalj“ – a fortified castle belonging to a Rennaisance poet Petar Hektorović. There are also many attractive squares in the old part of the town. The streets are narrow and the stone houses are usually a bit restricted.

Photo: Vedran Rafael Janic
There are mostly rock and pebble beaches but you can also find sand and concrete if you wish. There are many secluded beaches in the numerous small bays along Stari Grad's inlet. The inlet is naturally protected by the small “peninsula“ Kabal. All these bays can be visited and enjoyed by boats.